Τι είναι και πώς γίνεται η διαμεσολάβηση – Mediation: what is it and how does it work

Ο μεγάλος όγκος των υποθέσεων ενώπιον των Δικαστηρίων μας ως και η χρονοβόρα διαδικασία, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα η κοινωνίας μας να νιώσει την ανάγκη εξεύρεσης εναλλακτικών μεθόδων επίλυσης διαφορών, καθιστόντας έτσι το θεσμό της διαμεσολάβησης ως ένα από αυτές. Η...

GTDT: Private Client 2019 – Cyprus

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through – Private Client 2019 (Published: December 2018). For further information please visit www.gettingthedealthrough.com. Private Client 2019...

GTDT: Private Client 2018 – Cyprus

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Private Client 2018, (published in October 2017; contributing editors: Anthony Thompson and Sara Walter, Forsters LLP) For further information please visit gettingthedealthrough.com...

GTDT: Private Client 2017 – Cyprus

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Private Client 2017 (published in November 2016; contributing editors: Anthony Thompson and Nicole Aubin-Parvu, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP). For further information please visit...